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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top Business Management Training

Do You Need Management Training? 

If you want to be a better manager, and be more effective, more efficient and more productive, then you'll definitely want to benefit from management training.
Here's why.
1. The majority of managers have had no management training. In fact some managers may have had no formal training at all. If you've risen up the ranks over the period of a few years, and are now responsible for a team, or several members of staff, then you'll be the ideal candidate for management training.
2. Because the modern manager is very busy, and always contactable, you'll want to make better use of your time and resources, so that you're more effective. How much more productive could be by having better time management or knowing when and what to delegate?
3. You'll learn how to work smarter. By putting what you learn into practice, you won't need to work late as often, by being more productive during the day. You'll also be able to help your team out when they need you.
4. Perhaps you've never had any office conflicts, or disagreements, or had to discuss private matters with your staff. Would you know how best to deal with any personal or personnel issues? Is a member of staff late because they have poor time keeping or organisation skills, or is there something more to it? Is the worker who always works late just being extra helpful, or is it that she doesn't want to go home?
5. You'll want to get the best from your staff, and giving them the right tools and training, as well as helping them develop will make them more loyal and productive. Perhaps your company or department has a high level of staff turnover, and you need to find out why your staff are leaving.
6. You'll want to make sure that you are making the best use of your staff's skills, experiences and abilities, so that your department is running as effectively as possible, and that people are happy in their positions.
7. Management training will also teach you the importance of better communication. Perhaps you currently sit in your office, and have very little idea as to what really goes on in your department, or the issues faces by your staff. You might avoid meetings or phone calls in order to avoid conflict, or upsetting people. How often do your have meetings with your staff? How do staff know how well the company is doing? By knowing how best to communicate with people, you'll know when to send an email, and when to speak to people in person.
8. You'll want your staff do the best they can, so you'll need to know exactly what they are doing, and why. They'll need to know whether you're receptive to new ideas, and whether you want to change things round a bit. By encouraging your staff to think about improving their working day, they're more likely to remain happy in their job.
9. How could making better use of technology help you be more effective and productive? Do you still travel to a lot of meetings that could be carried out by phone or by videoconferencing? Do you make the most of your time whilst on the train? Would you get more done with different working hours, or working from home a couple of days a week? Would your staff?
10. Management training will help you become a better manager, and help you to get the most from your staff and other resources. You'll soon notice significant cost savings as productivity increases, and staff turnover decreases.
Now you know why you need it, and the benefits it can bring, perhaps now is the time for you to organize a management training course.


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